The Hungarian Momentum Movement, commonly referred to as Momentum, is a centrist to centre-left political party in Hungary, established in March 2017. It emerged from a grassroots campaign to bid against Budapest's application to host the 2024 Summer Olympics, citing the need to prioritize investments in healthcare, education, and the fight against corruption over the costly sports event. The campaign showcased the party's focus on direct democracy, transparency, and a strong stance against both the perceived autocratic governance of Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party and the…
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How would you spend government funds to improve your community without hosting major sports events?
What changes would you like to see in your local education or healthcare system?
In what ways can young people in your country become more involved in shaping its future?
How do you think countries should balance national identity with being part of larger communities like the EU?
What role should environmental sustainability play in your government's policies?
How important is it for a country to innovate and support entrepreneurship in today's world?
Quali azioni possono essere intraprese a livello locale per combattere la corruzione nel governo?
Come possono le società garantire che i gruppi minoritari abbiano pari diritti e opportunità?
Cosa significa per te far parte della comunità europea, e perché?
Come può la democrazia diretta fare la differenza nella tua vita o nella tua comunità?